package; import; import com.aspose.words.FileFormatInfo; import com.aspose.words.FileFormatUtil; import com.aspose.words.LoadFormat; public class AsposeCheckFormatCompatibility { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String dataPath = "src/asposefeatures/loadingsavingandconverting/checkformatcompatibility/data/"; File[] fileList = new; // Loop through all found files. for (File file : fileList) { if (file.isDirectory()) continue; // Extract and display the file name without the path. String nameOnly = file.getName(); System.out.print(nameOnly); // Check the file format and move the file to the appropriate folder. String fileName = file.getPath(); FileFormatInfo info = FileFormatUtil.detectFileFormat(fileName); // Display the document type. switch (info.getLoadFormat()) { case LoadFormat.DOC: System.out.println("\tMicrosoft Word 97-2003 document."); break; case LoadFormat.DOT: System.out.println("\tMicrosoft Word 97-2003 template."); break; case LoadFormat.DOCX: System.out.println("\tOffice Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Free Document."); break; case LoadFormat.DOCM: System.out.println("\tOffice Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Document."); break; case LoadFormat.DOTX: System.out.println("\tOffice Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Free Template."); break; case LoadFormat.DOTM: System.out.println("\tOffice Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Template."); break; case LoadFormat.FLAT_OPC: System.out.println("\tFlat OPC document."); break; case LoadFormat.RTF: System.out.println("\tRTF format."); break; case LoadFormat.WORD_ML: System.out.println("\tMicrosoft Word 2003 WordprocessingML format."); break; case LoadFormat.HTML: System.out.println("\tHTML format."); break; case LoadFormat.MHTML: System.out.println("\tMHTML (Web archive) format."); break; case LoadFormat.ODT: System.out.println("\tOpenDocument Text."); break; case LoadFormat.OTT: System.out.println("\tOpenDocument Text Template."); break; case LoadFormat.DOC_PRE_WORD_97: System.out.println("\tMS Word 6 or Word 95 format."); break; case LoadFormat.UNKNOWN: default: System.out.println("\tUnknown format."); break; } } System.out.println("\nProcess Completed Successfully"); } }